Women in the rule of law

All eyes on her!

02 May 2014

Researchers claim the number one fear most people have is the fear of speaking in public, but apparently Aishe never got the memo. She is simply fearless when addressing an audience. In fact, she enjoys it immensely. She strives to help people and the judiciary by acting as a bridge connecting the judiciary with the public through the media, and thus keeping communication channels open at any time for all stakeholders to engage in healthy discourse.

Aishe Qorraj is a Spokesperson for the Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC). It is her duty to be out there, managing the KJC's relations with the media and the public in general. She is involved in presenting the work and activities of the entire judiciary in Kosovo, providing access and transparency.

"Working as a spokesperson in the justice system in Kosovo is currently a challenge in itself," says Aishe. According to her, it is important that the public be informed of the activities of the judiciary and obtain the necessary clarifications. "For all of us, ethics are the first step of institutional communication," she says.

Aishe served as spokesperson for the Ministry of Transport, Post and Telecommunications and she was also appointed as the first spokesperson of the Kosovo Government, a post that she held for one year. Years before, she also worked as a lecturer of the Albanian language at 'Elena Gjika' elementary school in Pristina.

Living in the dynamics of activities, unscheduled work, Aishe does this job with passion, dedication and love. "This job taught me a lot about the culture of teamwork, a valuable experience in media relations, and above all has strengthened even more my character," she says.

An impartial judiciary is the foundation of any democratic society

Problems and challenges facing the judiciary are multiple and complex , and overcoming them requires the dedication and investment of greater resources in order to achieve the desired results.

"The institutions of the Judiciary are those that we most need to invest on," says Qorraj. "Our objective is to build together an independent judiciary. Dedication, impartiality, professionalism and high responsibility are qualities that should reflect in achieving this goal," she adds.

Public scrutiny of the justice system continues to grow. According to Aishe, one of the biggest tasks facing the Justice system is the return of the public confidence. "Judicial decisions affect the people directly, so we have to be very careful and professional when communicating with the public," states Aishe, always stressing the importance of judicial independence.

It's important for legal institutions to be open to media because judiciary is an organ that provides public service and, like all public institutions, it is expected to be open, as people do have interest in the proper and effective functioning of judiciary.

"The media and judiciary - should respect each other and ensure that frank dialogue never evolves into acrimonious disputes", says Qorraj.

Justice and Accountability for All

There has to be accountability and transparency for the judiciary, just as there has to be transparency and accountability for the media.

Thanks to the media's focus on the weaknesses of the justice system, the general public now has a distorted view of the Kosovo judicial system. Given their important role in shaping attitudes towards the judiciary and the justice system, the media have a duty to report proceedings accurately and fairly.

Aishe's goal remains a transparent judiciary. "I have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice my private life to exercise the profession, so that dedication to work, responsibility and devotion, are key to my success in this profession," she says.

Aishe values a lot the cooperation with international organisations. "We appreciate their professionalism, especially the continuous support they provide to the justice system in Kosovo." According to Aishe, this support has led to the international judicial system that Kosovo has today.

In her private life, Aishe is a devoted mother of three boys. She enjoys spending time with her family, and writing whenever she has a chance. She has published several books until now, but what has really captured her heart is poetry. She also won awards for that.

Aishe will continue to voice the KJC's concerns, attitudes and positions, as she helps maintain a positive image with the general public – not always an easy job!