Gender Resource Centre

Gender Resource Centre

Gender Resource Centre

The information contained here aims to provide an overview of the relevant international gender equality and gender mainstreaming norms. The Gender Resource Centre is a repository where you can obtain information on international laws, policies and practices with a special emphasis on CSDP Missions. In addition, it serves as a source of information on gender-related topics in Kosovo


EULEX is fully committed to the inclusion of a gender perspective in all of its activities, both within the Mission as well as in its work with Kosovo institutions and society. EULEX also ensures that its regulations and activities are designed in compliance with internationally-recognized gender equality standards. While the mission management has the overall responsibility for gender mainstreaming, all staff have a responsibility to take into account a gender perspective while carrying out their duties.

Gender Advisor

EULEX has a full-time International Gender Advisor, who offers strategic advice on gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the mission’s mandate. The advisor provides inputs on mission documents and reports, as well as relevant legislation. S/he also supports the implementation mechanisms regarding gender equality and women’s rights in the area of rule of law. Additionally, the advisor performs research and analysis, designs and delivers gender training courses, and liaises with Kosovo institutions, civil society organizations and international organizations.  The Gender Advisor is assisted by the Gender Focal Points and works closely with the Thematic Lead Monitor on Gender-Based Violence.

Gender Focal Points

The Gender Focal Points are staff members in the Mission’s units and offices, appointed to facilitate gender mainstreaming and to integrate a gender perspective in the work of their respective offices.  Their mainstreaming activities cover both the internal and external work of the mission.

Gender Resource Centre

EULEX Press Releases and activities

Women in the rule of law