
EULEX campaigns to explain executive tasks

27 December 2012

In December and January EULEX’s Press and Public Information Office is conducting an awareness raising campaign about EULEX executive functions. Implementing the rule of law through executive powers is one of the four key strategic objectives of the EULEX Mission.

EULEX executive mandate is a part of EULEX mandate that is often misunderstood. People wonder: what is EULEX doing to catch criminals? Why are cases often taking so long? To these and other questions that were recorded in the streets in Kosovo, senior EULEX staff from the Executive Division gave an answer. Questions and answers were put together in six different TV spots and are being broadcasted on Kosovo TV channels. Also a short film of four minutes is being broadcasted on TV about the Mitrovice/a Task Force, another part of EULEX executive mandate (see here for more).

Throughout Kosovo 48.000 flyers are being distributed to provide more background information about EULEX executive work. Via Facebook EULEX staff are answering questions about the executive mandate.

A sensitive part of EULEX executive mandate is the search for the missing. A EULEX documentary about this topic was screened in two high schools in Rahovec/Orahovac and Suharekë/Suva Reka where EULEX members of the Department of Forensic Medicine discussed their work with students. A third school in Prizren was visited by Chief EULEX Prosecutor Jaroslava Novotna to tell students about ‘one day in the life of a EULEX prosecutor’.

The Executive Campaign, follows an awareness raising campaign about EULEX Strengthening Mandate in October and November. In 2013 EULEX will continue to engage with citizens, especially with the youth, to discuss our activities in Kosovo.