EULEX Press Releases

EULEX Press Releases

Head of EULEX, Xavier de Marnhac, on European Anti-trafficking day

18 October 2012

18 October 2012

“Today is the 6th European Anti-trafficking day which serves to raise the awareness of governments, the press and general public that trafficking in human beings is a serious crime and a severe human rights violation. Hundreds of thousands of women and men, boys and girls are trafficked every year in Europe for the purpose of sexual or labour exploitation, removal of organs, begging, domestic servitude, forced marriage, illegal adoption as well as other forms of exploitation.

The European Commission adopted in June 2012, the EU Strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings (THB). Prevention, protection, prosecution and partnerships are central to the holistic approach of the new strategy.

EULEX is taking the investigation and prosecution of this crime seriously with many investigations on-going, several decided cases and an additional three cases at the trial stage. EULEX has goals to fight THB in its Mission Implementation Plan and has a Special Advisor to the THB Directorate of the Kosovo Police.

EULEX assists the Kosovo government in the implementation of the National Strategy and Action Plan through its work in the Inter-Ministerial Working Group (IMWG). The mandate of IMWG is to coordinate policy implementation, and to monitor and report on progress to the National Anti-Trafficking Coordinator who is the chair of the group.

EULEX is committed to contribute to the efforts of the Kosovo government to eradicate trafficking in all its forms. Early identification and assistance to victims and identifying the changing methods of traffickers requires coordinated actions”.