
Deputy Head of Mission Meets Members of the German Bundestag

27 March 2019

The EULEX Deputy Head of Mission, Bernd Thran, and two members of the German Bundestag, Mr Josip Juratovic and Ms Gabi Weber held a meeting today at EULEX Headquarters in Pristina.

Mr Thran started by thanking Mr Juratovic and Ms Weber for the support they have provided to EULEX over the years and the valuable contribution they have made in particular through the highly-qualified seconded staff members Germany has sent – and continues to send – to the Mission.

The EULEX Deputy Head of Mission then gave a general overview of the Mission’s work and the political challenges in Kosovo, as well as explaining EULEX’s newly refocused mandate and how this will work in the time ahead until June 2020.

Mr Thran also explained how the Mission’s mandate would work in practice, in particular in the context of the Justice 2020 Initiative which is being led by the Ministry of Justice.