
EULEX presents to KP an Action Plan to implement the Intelligence Led Policing model

26 June 2015

On Monday, June 26, EULEX presented the senior management of Kosovo Police (KP) a strategy to help prevent and reduce crime in Kosovo. 

EULEX’s Advisor to Assistant Deputy Director General Investigations, Oliver Hoffmann, conducted the presentation which followed a six month assessment of the implementation of the Intelligence Led Policing (ILP) model. Next to preventing and reducing crime, the model demonstrated best practices in effective and efficient use of resources and identified a 23-point action plan to be adopted by Kosovo Police. Among the points of the action plan is the suggestion for KP to increase awareness amongst its 7,500 police officers in regards to the value of submitting information and emphasizing the benefits that intelligence lead policing brings. The model was well received by the KP senior management team which agreed to incorporate the ILP model into its Strategy Plan for 2013-2017 during a workshop at the 02 July facilitated by the OSCE.

KP will continue to work with EULEX over the next six months to implement the ILP model, most notably by utilizing a poster campaign and conducting regular briefings to its staff in order to enhance sustainability.