
EULEX’s work presented at the fifth edition of the “Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management” course in Rome

16 November 2018

On 15 November, EULEX’s work was presented at the fifth edition of the “Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management” course, held in Rome from 13 to 15 November 2018, organised by the European Security and Defence College and the Rome-based “Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa” of the Italian Armed Forces.

The course aimed to create a common understanding of civilian aspects of EU crisis management, including decision-making processes and actors, among future staff of Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions and operations.

Daniele Pancheri, EULEX Policy Advisor to the Head of Mission, gave a presentation on the subject “From Theory to Reality: Kosovo as a Case Study”, highlighting the main civilian crisis management actors and aspects within the overall operating context of Kosovo, focusing in particular on EULEX Kosovo.

This year the course featured some 70 attendees from civil administration, police and military forces of EU Member States, EU Institutions and EU Agencies involved in EU crisis management.