Ç’është EULEX-i?
Mbështetja operative
Qendra informuese për çështje gjinore
Baza Ligjore
EULEX Organisational Chart
Llogaridhënia e EULEX-it
Si funksionin BE-ja?
Çfarë është politika e jashtme e BE-së?
BE-ja në Kosovë
Zyra për Komunikim dhe Media
Komunikata për Media
Galeria e Fotografive
Galeria e Videove
Zyra për Komunikim dhe Media
Mundësi Punësimi
Konkurset për personel ndërkombëtar
Konkurset për praktikant ndërkombëtar
Konkurset për personel vendor
Local Internship
Application Process for Joining Our Organization
Vendimet e Gjykatave
Fletë Faktesh
Ç’është EULEX-i?
Mbështetja operative
Qendra informuese për çështje gjinore
Baza Ligjore
EULEX Organisational Chart
Llogaridhënia e EULEX-it
Si funksionin BE-ja?
Çfarë është politika e jashtme e BE-së?
BE-ja në Kosovë
Zyra për Komunikim dhe Media
Komunikata për Media
Galeria e Fotografive
Galeria e Videove
Zyra për Komunikim dhe Media
Mundësi Punësimi
Konkurset për personel ndërkombëtar
Konkurset për praktikant ndërkombëtar
Konkurset për personel vendor
Local Internship
Application Process for Joining Our Organization
Vendimet e Gjykatave
Fletë Faktesh
Tenderët e mbyllur - Arkivi
Tenderët e mbyllur - Arkivi
Tenderët e mbyllur - Arkivi
Fleet and fuel management System
Supply of Medicaments, Immunization Drugs, Laboratory Consumables and Reagents
Spare Parts and Maintenance of Vehicles – Mercedes
Security guarding services No 4
Renewal of Microsoft and Symantec Licenses
Helicopter Support to the EULEX Mission in Kosovo No.2
Supply of IT Equipment VI
Third Party Liability Insurance Services No 3
Restaurant/Cafeteria Services for EULEX Mission Head Quarters Pristina
Supply of Communications Equipment No. 6 under a framework contract
Supply of Miscellaneous Security Equipment
Mobile Telecommunication Services No.3
Framework contract for Local Staff Health Insurance no.3
Supply of Ammunition and Job Specific Items
Supply of Communications Equipment No. 5
Supply of Construction Materials under a Framework Contract
IT Infrastructure and Support Services
Supply of Spare Parts for IT Equipment and Ancillary Installation Services
Framework Contract for the Supply of Fuel No. 3
Service and maintenance of printers and photocopiers No 2
Framework Contract for the Supply of Tyres No. 5
Cleaning Services No. 3
Relocation of Warehouse/logistics elements to the EMC
Supply of IT Consumables for Printers and Photocopiers
Framework Contract for the Supply of Material Handling Equipment
Supply of Communications Equipment No. 4
Framework Contract for the Supply of Medicaments and Consumables
IT Equipment No. 5
Framework Contract for the Supply of Protective Clothing and Service Uniforms
Supply Installation and Maintenance of Water Fire Hydrants
Supply of IT Consumables and Spare Parts for Additional Printers and Photocopiers No. 2
Framework Contract for the Supply of Fuel No. 2
Supply of “Residential Security Upgrade Kosovo wide"
Framework Contract for the Supply of Medicaments, Consumables and Reagents No. 2
Vehicle Insurance Services No. 3
EUCI Compliant Rooms
Supply of Tyres No. 3
Servers and Storage System
Security Guarding Services No. 3
Distribution of Printed Materials no. 3
Supply of IT Consumables and Spare Parts for Additional Printers and Photocopiers
Spare Parts for IT Equipment and Ancillary Installation Services
Supply of Spare Parts and Maintenance of Vehicles
Framework contract for the Supply of PPIO Reprography Material No. 2
Supply of Workshop and Vehicle Consumable Items
Supply of Furniture and Office Accessories
Supply of Stationery and Office Supplies
Third Party Liability Insurance Services No 2
Media and Production Services
Exchange Messaging System
Supply of Medical and Laboratory Equipment
Framework contract for the Supply of Sanitary and Cleaning Material No. 3
Helicopter Support to the EULEX Mission in Kosovo
Mobile Telecommunications Services no. 2
Establishment and Operation of Role 2 Medical Facility in Pristina
Framework Contract for the Supply of High Visibility Items No. 3
Supply of Miscellaneous Security Equipment
EULEX Compound Project Design and Build
Job Specific Items & Training Accessories
Framework contract for the Supply of Drinking Water No. 3
Framework Contract for the Supply of Construction Materials No. 2